Just about complicated

Just about complicated

Electric vehicle device
 On this page, we will try to talk in simple language about difficult things and also talk about our advantages, including comparing our chargers with popular manufacturers. An electric vehicle (EV) is a technique that is usually much more complex than traditional ICE vehicles. For example, the number of characters in the firmware codes of the Chevrolet Volt is greater than in the firmware of the Boeing 777 aircraft. And, accordingly, electricity in the EM plays one of the first roles. The charger is just the device that supplies voltage to the electric vehicle from the external network. By itself, the charger does not adapt and does not convert electricity for an electric vehicle (this is the task of the inverter), but supplies it in the form in which it comes from the external network, limiting only the current strength.
 Charger manufacturers usually take two paths. An extremely primitive device with a minimum number of protections is made, the purpose of which is simply to supply electricity to the EM, while the quality of electricity in the network should be close to ideal. It is on this principle that the original chargers are made, in the expectation that the owner of the electric car will completely prepare the charging place. Or they go the other way, starting from the realities and conditions of our electrical networks, which our company ENERGY STAR did. Such charges, in addition to the necessary functionality, protect a person, EM, have advanced capabilities and are able to perform their task in almost any conditions.
 Stationary charging
 Stationary charging is usually a fairly simple device and has primitive protection. Since the owner, before installation, must independently prepare the network from which the electric car charger will be powered. Often, a small primitive controller board is located in a huge case of such a charge. We have seen similar solutions even from world famous brands. The price of such a charging station is often unreasonably inflated, apparently a large case cannot be cheap. But portable charging, in our understanding, should have the maximum number of protections, since its task is to charge anytime, anywhere and under any conditions.
 In our philosophy, a portable charger is a kind of buffer, a safety zone. And its tasks include protecting you and your EM, as well as making charging an electric vehicle as comfortable and convenient as possible. Therefore, it was so important for us, while maintaining the lightness and compactness of the charging unit, to integrate all possible protections for this type of device into a portable charger without any deterioration in performance. When creating chargers, we strived to make a charger that you can use no matter what the situation. Whether it's a long journey, home use, a poor electrical network, an unreliable outlet, or poor weather conditions. However, not only reliability is important for us, but also your comfort. Therefore, our engineers equipped the charging with a Wi-Fi module, a display and the possibility of remote configuration via a web interface.
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